DARLA (Letter Series #3)

Fisayo .B
3 min readAug 13, 2022

I hope it comes soon…

Photo by Paico Oficial on Unsplash

Hey hey! I hope everyone is having a great day. Welcome to the THIRD letter!

A Letter To My Supporter

Dear Darla,

It is hard. Each day looks the same, and I can hardly tell time anymore. This constant routine of waking up and going to bed seems so short these days. Is this really what I expected? I know I made a big decision to leave stability for uncertainty, but I was unhappy. I know I tried, and it seemed like the easiest thing to do was to change nothing, but I had to.

Sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision. Should I have just allowed myself comfortably drive my mind to insanity rather than exploring new options? Honestly, no matter how much I think about it, I believe that would have been the worst thing to do to myself. Being comfortable and being happy are not synonymous.

The thing about change is that you never know what to expect. I have dreams and ideas of how I want things to be, but turning them into a reality has been much harder than I imagined. I find myself talking more about my plans than seeing them happen. It is not by choice. I am trying, I am, but it is not easy. It seems like I am constantly searching for something that does not want to be found. It is annoying and frustrating. I get tired sometimes.

The only reason why I have not given up is that I do not want my past stability held against me. I do believe something is coming for me. I do not know when, but I hope it will be soon.

You are probably reading this and thinking about how things have been for me. I hope you are reading this with a smile. I have set a reminder on your calendar to notify you to read this letter a year from now. I hope your dreams have started turning into realities. I hope all the things you have worked hard for are finally showing up, I hope you are happy, and most importantly, I hope you are at peace. This letter is not to make you remember the past, but to show you how far you have come. I am sure things have turned around for you. I am glad you kept pushing and stayed consistent with your plans.

Even if I am the only one who will read it, I would love to read a letter about how your life is now. You got this! I know you will do well. I mean, I am you. This is a letter to future me.

From your number one fan,

You. :)

Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash

Thank you so much for reading “DARLA (Her Letter)”, I hope you liked it. Please support me by commenting and giving as many claps as you want. Please follow me and don’t forget to share it as well. Till next time, have a nice day! :)

Check out my previous story “WILLOW (Letter Series #2)”:



Fisayo .B

Hey, I’m Fisayo :). Creative Writer, Reader, Entertainment and Music Multi. I write about anything that interests me ranging from life - fiction.